Professional Translations

Our team is highly qualified and it specializes on any given topic to translate. From medicine to law, mechanical to engineering, gardening to cooking,…; our team specializes on the topic that you need, to guarantee that the translation is 100% faithful to the original language.

Sworn Translations

Handbook Translations

Website Translation

Other services from Comerciales Fremme, S.A.

Comerciales Fremme, S.A. is highly dedicated and focused on the quality that we provide to our clients. We specialize on translations and interpretations, as well as on the rental of our audiovisual equipment with the latest on technology.

Interpretation requires the perfect comprehension on the topic that is being presented for a better understanding in other languages. We have a group of Professional Interpreters who are subject matter experts, so that we can match your event with the perfect people and guarantee that your audience understands everything that is being said. This is why we guarantee that your audience will be completely satisfied..

          • Simultaneous Interpretation
          • Consecutive Interpretation
          • Escorted Interpretation

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In Comerciales Fremme, S.A we have our own audiovisual equipment, with the latest on technology and quality, with it, we can install on the required space and therefore guarantee the sound and projection quality, both for the spokesperson and for the audience.

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